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AUAF-Motley Legal Internship Program for summer 2011 May 10, 2011

Filed under: Events — rahmanixp @ 10:35 am

Motley legal internship program was held on 5/5/2011 in large conference room, Bayat Building, AUAF. The target of this program was to describe a brief introduction about Afghanistan Law and and the difference between Afghanistan Law and USA Law. The presenter of this event was Ms. Kimberley Cy Motley, Partner at Motley Legal Company.

Motley legal Service (MLS) is committed to the continues development of Afghanistan’s Legal Education Community. Under the supervision of MLS it is offering a unique opportunity for hands on legal experience through for credit internships and externships at MLS. The opportunity will provide highly competitive career opportunities, enhance business development and professionalism, and will work towards assisting in enhancing rule of law for Afghanistan and abroad in the global market. (Flyer given during the event)

The event was held within the participation of some of instructors from Political Science Department of AUAF. There were about 20 students from different majors participating in this event. They had a good time, and asked lots of questions during the event. In addition, some pictures of Afghan and foreign prisoners who were jailed in Pul-e-Charkhi Prison, their identity and crime were described to the audience. Some of them were killers, Smugglers, Kidnappers and like that. Currently, Ms. Kimberley is investigating for/against these criminals. She said that investigation is really challenging, but also interesting. It is interesting because when she investigates, she learns new things, and that is what she likes.

At the end of the event, Ms. Kimberley gave her ID card which contained her company address, phone numbers and E-mail addresses. She illustrated that how we can make contact with her, and the possibilities that how to apply for her company. In addition, she talked about the job qualifications as:

  • American University of Afghanistan Student
  • 2 second year students from faculty of Political Science
  • 1 second year student from faculty of Business Administration
  • 2 or 3 students who have at least one year experience of work with International Companies and individual working in Afghanistan and abroad.
  • 3.0 or above GPA
  • Bilingual in reading and writing English and Dari
  • Familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel.

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